Saturday, March 31, 2012

2655 Thomas

IMG_6261.JPGIMG_6257.JPGIMG_6212.JPGGet yer perennial on!
OvergrownBefore Harvest
Sweet PeasGreens BedHerb BoxI Went Tomato Crazy at the NurseryPoor OkraZucchinis!
2655 Thomas, a group on Flickr.
 Checkout the Flickr photostream to see how the garden grows and changes each season.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First Day of Spring in the Garden!

For the past week the weather has been more like June than March in Chicago. I'm loving it. But,  feels strange to see the flowers blooming so early.

Last fall a handful of volunteers planted some daffodils in the perennial bed. Here is the reward!:

Here is a long view of the perennial bed. All the bulbs planted in the garden were donated by Greencorps, the City of Chicago, and volunteers. The Snowdrops bloomed in late February/early March. The fleeting Narcissus are already fading. The pink spots are a few stray tulips. 

Let's fill the garden with bulbs and bring color and cheer to Thomas Street every spring!